References from customers and testimonials

beA App for the Anwaltspostfach
Customer's note:Send beA Messages from your iPhone and iPad
Realized with:
- App for iPhone und iPad
- beA App for iPhone and iPad
- beA App in iTunes

Purchase of used handsets
Customer's note:Purchase of used handsets using the services of
Realized with:
- Purchasing prices are updated dynamically
- App available for iPhone and Android
- on iTunes
- on GooglePlay

Lawyer firm BRBD
Customer's note:Our App is a big step for our firm. This App allow us to show our competencies in the world of the new technologies. We are already thinking to offer more Apps addressing various areas of law.
Realized with:
- Pack PRO
- Display of news updated dynamically
- List and competencies of lawyer
- Easy way to take contact with a spezialised lawyer

Price comparison for electricity, gas and heating oil
Customer's note:We are operating an internet portal with high traffic on which we offer price comparison in the energy sector. The integration of the price comparison system on an iPhone that work together with our internet portal allows us to address 25% more customer. We have observed that customers are requiring more an more a full integration of the services between internet and the "mobile world".
Realized with:
- Dynamic price comparison in real time with location based input.
- Possibility to order directly from the iPhone

Agence Marketing BEENKER & KOLLEGEN
Customer's note:In full simplicity: an App that allow us to show our compentencies, our references and, in general, our philosophy.
Realized with:
- Pack BASIC
- Update of the content trough App-upgrade
- Contact with ciustomer facilited

QR-Generator / QR-Visiting card
Customer's note:Innovating App, which allo to create QR-Code based on URL, Email, Contact etc... In addition this App generate your own digital visiting card based on QR-Code.
Realized with:
- Dynamic generation of QR-codes
- Storage on the device
- multilangual App: english, french, german
- QR Generator on iTunes

Graph fx
Note:This App is designed for students and teachers. It allows the graphical representation of mathematical functions.
Realized with:
- Graphical and mathematical Funtions of the iPhone (Zoom etc.)
- Graph fx on iTunes

Customer's note:The purpose of our App is to facilitate contact with customer four our artistic group. This App is a complentary to our Website and allow us to show our competencies on mobile devices.
Realized with:
- Pack PRO
- Dynamic update of our public representation, synchronisation with our website
- Diashow
- Contact with ciustomer facilited

Customer's note:Contact potentiel buyer of your car.
Realized with:
- Pack PRO
- Daily update of the offers
- Easy to use
- in iTunes